Benjamin Milde

Werdegang / Resume

Wissen / Knowledge

I like to get deeply involved with the communities surrounding the programming languages I work with, getting to know the problems encountered. I really enjoy learning as well as teaching all there is to know about an ecosystem.

All that gained context puts me in the rare position of having very broad knowledge around problems people run into and more importantly many of their solutions. Ask your developers – I might have helped them with problems in your system already.

If you want to talk or have questions. Get in touch at

Grayscale image of my face
Elixir Forum

6.2k Posts created
10.0k Likes received
700 Marked solutions

Elixir Slack

Lots of conversations
Likely more than on the forum

ProcessWire Forum

4.9k Posts created
5.2k Likes received
100 Days of most likes

Kompetenzen / Skills

  1. Elixir Development
  2. PHP/ProcessWire Development
  3. Frontend Development (HTML/Svelte/Vue)

Projekte / Projects

  1. Senior Elixir Consultant

    Supported Sparkmeter in building out their Nerves embedded base station and its communication to upstream cloud services and futher data consumers.


  2. Elixir Developer

    Built out a custom business solution including job advertisement, scheduling, feedback and invoice handling.

    madeprojects GmbH

  3. Web Developer

    Built out a handful of custom corporate websites, started gettting into app development using ProcessWire.

    Various clients

Berufserfahrung / Work History

  1. Elixir Entwickler / Elixir Developer

    ambiHome GmbH

  2. Selbstständiger Entwickler / Freelancer


  3. Entwickler, Consultant, Geschäftsführer / CTO

    made it GmbH

  4. Selbstständiger Entwickler / Freelancer

    Kobrakai Design

  5. Werkstudent / Working student


  6. Werkstudent / Working student


Ausbildung / Education

  1. Mediadesign

    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), 1.4

Sprachen / Languages

  1. Deutsch / German


  2. Englisch / English
