%{"items" => ["abc"]}
defmodule KobrakaiWeb.Scratchpad.Checkboxes do use KobrakaiWeb, :live_view use Kobrakai.Blog.ModuleCode on_mount {KobrakaiWeb.Hooks, :scratchpad} on_mount {KobrakaiWeb.Hooks, :current_path} @impl true def render(assigns) do ~H""" <div class="max-w-xl mx-auto prose dark:prose-invert"> <.simple_form :let={f} for={@form} phx-change="validate" as="form"> <.input type="checkbox" field={f[:items]} label="Options" options={["abc", "def", "ghi"]} multiple /> </.simple_form> <hr /> <.base base={@form.params} inspect /> <hr /> <.base base={@code} /> </div> """ end @impl true def mount(_, _, socket) do {:ok, assign(socket, form: to_form(%{"items" => ["abc"]}), code: module_code())} end @impl true def handle_event("validate", params, socket) do form_params = deal_with_html_form_encoding_shortcomings(params) {:noreply, assign(socket, form: to_form(form_params))} end defp deal_with_html_form_encoding_shortcomings(params) do # Work around the fact that no selection submits no data params |> Map.get("form", %{}) |> Map.put_new("items", []) end # To be put besides phoenix 1.7 core_components before the checkbox function # head. # # def input(%{type: "checkbox", multiple: true} = assigns) do # escaped_values = Enum.map(assigns.value, &Phoenix.HTML.html_escape/1) # # assigns = # update(assigns, :options, fn options -> # options # |> Enum.map(fn # {option_key, option_value} -> # %{key: option_key, value: option_value, rest: %{}} # # option when is_list(option) -> # {option_key, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :key) # # option_key || # raise ArgumentError, # "expected :key key when building <option> from keyword list: #{inspect(options)}" # # {option_value, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :value) # # option_value || # raise ArgumentError, # "expected :value key when building <option> from keyword list: #{inspect(options)}" # # %{key: option_key, value: option_value, rest: options} # # option -> # %{key: option, value: option, rest: %{}} # end) # |> Enum.map(fn option -> # escaped_value = Phoenix.HTML.html_escape(option.value) # Map.put(option, :checked, escaped_value in escaped_values) # end) # end) # # ~H""" # <div phx-feedback-for={@name}> # <.label for={@id}><%= @label %></.label> # <div :for={option <- @options}> # <input # type="checkbox" # id={"#{@id}_#{option.value}"} # name={@name} # value={option.value} # checked={option.checked} # class="rounded border-zinc-300 text-zinc-900 focus:ring-zinc-900 dark:border-zinc-700" # {@rest} # /> # <%= option.key %> # </div> # <.error :for={msg <- @errors}><%= msg %></.error> # </div> # """ # end end