Benjamin Milde

LiveView: Double Mount

When using phoenix_live_view people are often worried about their LiveViews being mounted twice for fresh requests. I regularly see people asking for ways around this fact or even why this is needed in the first place.

What causes the double mount?

A fresh request by an user to a website is always a plain http request. It hit’s MyAppWeb.Endpoint and is served by the plug based pipeline setup on the server. LiveView’s will be rendered in what is called “static render”. That means instead of starting a long running process any LiveView will run mount/3 (+ handle_params/3) once and the resulting markup is rendered into the http response.

When the client received that response to the http request it’ll run the app.js and start connecting to the websocket endpoint for LiveView. This time any LiveView will be started in a proper long running process, it will mount and render again and the client side will replace (merge into) what it got from the http response. After that the server knows which markup the client received (and which templates) it got, so it can start doing its extensive diffing for subsequent changes to the dom.

Given the websocket connection can only start after the client did receive the initial http response (and the javascript) it’s quite obvious that there need to be at least two steps. Browsers don’t have means to directly start with the websocket connection.

After this one initial http request however one can use live_redirect and live_patch to move from one LiveView enabled page to another without needing the http request. Any changes can be transfered purely over the existing websocket connection, now that it’s established and the js for it resides on the client.

TLDR: Can we avoid the double mount?

On the intial request: No, we can’t.
For subsequent request: See live_redirect and live_patch.

Can we at least not fetch data twice?

This is more complex, as there are various layers to it.

First of all the initial http request and all its fetched data is long cleaned up at the time the websocket connection connects to the server. So there’s no way to share data between them directly.

Then there’s the session which allows sharing data from the plug pipeline of the static render to any later render. The data of the session is transfered by placing it encoded within the html send as response by the http request. So it should not hold much information or it will bloat the http response. It’s a solution for passing around id’s to certain things, which were already validated by the plug pipeline, but not for bigger amounts of data.

The only way to keep data around without sending it to the client is caching.

Caching to the rescue?

It’s still not a simple “yes”.

As we’ve already seen an inital LiveView page’s loading involves two connections to the server. Therefore one shouldn’t try to treat them like one request, but it’s much more similar to an user requesting an non LiveView page and then immediately hitting refresh. This analogy will bring up some important considerations for the time the first of those requests might want to cache data.

  • Will the reload happen? a.k.a. Will the LiveView js connect (to this node) at all?
    There could e.g. be a problem with loading the javascript for liveview.
    In a distributed setup it could just be the load balancer routing the request to different nodes.

  • When will the reload happen? a.k.a. When will the LiveView js connect?
    The user could be on a slow network and the websocket connection will only succeed minutes later.

There’s also another point for LiveView specifically:

  • How should reconnects be treated?
    From the servers perspective a first websocket connection within seconds of the http requests looks exactly the same as a connection being done half an hour later because the websocket connection dropped shortly.

So the answer if caching helps really depends.

Bonus: Skip doing expensive fetching in the static render

One way to avoid the whole problem of fetching expensive data twice is not fetching and therefore rendering that data on the initial static render and instead e.g. rendering some loading spinner or similar. On the mount via the websocket connection the actual data would then be loaded.

This has the downside that any issue preventing the websocket connection will mean that content is not being available to the user. This is similar to e.g. the consideration in a traditional SPA context.