Benjamin Milde

Data to Responses

The introduction of HEEx in Phoenix 1.7 and the shift toward rendering HTML with function components brought significant changes to how data is transformed into HTTP responses in Phoenix. However, most of these changes were at the surface level. Under the hood, many mechanisms remained unchanged and are still largely backwards compatible. In this blog post, I’ll explore some of Phoenix’s lower-level primitives to clarify how they work, even as the interfaces for using them evolve.


To start, consider this scenario: We have a controller and some data it has loaded. What do we need to send a response to the HTTP request we received?

  1. We need the data to be sent.
  2. We need to format the data into a format we can return in an HTTP response.
  3. We need to decide on a function that will handle the data-to-format conversion. Usually that function is identified by a name, but since Elixir organizes functions within modules, the module is also a consideration.

Before Phoenix 1.7, that selection followed this convention:

MyAppWeb.ResourceView.render("name.format", assigns)
#        ^                    ^    ^        ^

Phoenix 1.7 changed the default convention to:
#        ^       ^      ^    ^

All the same pieces of data remain, just encoded differently. The primary difference is that the former convention allowed multiple formats to be transformed within a single module. This is still possible to configure manually in Phoenix 1.7, but not using the default inferred naming convention.

The new convention however aligns with the calling conventions of function components of Phoenix.Component using the HEEx template engine.


We typically call Phoenix.Controller.render/3, where name and assigns are provided. Before Phoenix 1.7, "name.format" was common, though atom names were always an option.

render(conn, :index, posts: posts)
# render(conn, "index.html", posts: posts)


Formats are negotiated from the request’s Accept headers and processed by the Phoenix.Controller.accepts/2 plug found in most router pipelines. The plug reads the request header and, given a list of available formats for a route, selects the most suitable format for the response. This process may fail if negotiation cannot select an appropriate format. Consult the function’s documentation for details about when this might occur.

Phoenix.Controller.put_format(conn, :html) can be used to explicitly set a format, bypassing content type negotiation.

(View) Modules

The module to use is typically inferred from the controller’s name. For example, MyAppWeb.PostController would retain the prefix MyAppWeb.Post and determine the related module from there.

This used to be MyAppWeb.PostView, but starting with Phoenix 1.7, the default changed to MyAppWeb.PostFORMAT.

This logic and mapping is controlled by the :format option in use Phoenix.Controller (starting with Phoenix 1.7) as well as Phoenix.Controller.put_view/2. The former controls how a controller’s default mapping works, while the latter can be used wherever plugs are implemented to override inferred values with specific modules.

Previously, there was only a single view module, but with the format now encoded in the module name, views in Phoenix 1.7 can be defined per format as well.

put_view(conn, MyAppWeb.CustomView)
put_view(conn, html: MyAppWeb.CustomViewA, json: MyAppWeb.CustomViewB)


There’s not much to be said about assigns, but it’s the fourth piece of information related to calling view module functions. It provides the data to be converted.

With that, the selection part is complete. However, the functions being called also need to be defined.

View Functions

View functions need to be defined to transform the passed assigns into a response that can be sent back via HTTP.

First, let’s examine the “function definition” portion. There are two approaches:

Manually defined

View functions can always be defined manually in a view module. Regardless of whether selection follows pre or post-Phoenix 1.7 conventions, a function or function head can always be manually defined.

def index(assigns) do


The alternative approach is using templates. Templates are external files that, at compile time, are loaded, converted to functions, and added to the module that loaded the template.

This functionality is—and has always been—contained in Phoenix.Template. The phoenix_template package can even be used independently from Phoenix for this purpose.

Since Phoenix 1.7, embed_templates has become the preferred API for embedding templates into a module. This function is also mirrored in Phoenix.Component within phoenix_live_view for those wondering—it’s the same function.

embed_templates "posts/*"

Templates are commonly named following the pattern name.format.engine. Before 1.7, the format was essential because it became part of the function definition for selection. Now it serves primarily as documentation.

Template Engines

The last part of the template name is the engine. But what exactly is an engine?

Engines are implementations of the Phoenix.Template.Engine behaviour, which has a single compile/2 callback that converts a file path and template name into AST for a function body.

By default, template handling includes both an EEx engine (Phoenix.Template.EExEngine) and an Elixir scripts-based engine (Phoenix.Template.ExsEngine). phoenix_live_view adds the HEEx engine to these options. Engines and their mapping can be customized through configuration.

That covers the two ways of defining functions. But what do these functions return? An HTTP response can only contain text, so binary or iodata would be the only sensible options. However, we rarely return these directly from view functions. Instead, we return whatever the ~H sigil produces or plain Elixir maps when data is intended to become JSON.

There’s one final piece to consider.

Format encoders

Format encoders define how the return values of view functions are converted into iodata to send in the HTTP response. By default, there are two encoders applied across three formats.

Phoenix.HTML.Engine for :html and :js format

The implementation uses the Phoenix.HTML.Safe protocol (defined in phoenix_html) to transform safe HTML to iodata. This is how Phoenix ensures that only properly encoded (or explicitly forced) markup appears in responses.

This mechanism also enables various data types to be transformed into HTML within Phoenix. For example, phoenix_live_view‘s ~H returns structs that implement this protocol.

The module also defines the EEx based engine used as a template engine for html – hence the naming. Format encoders and template engines can sometimes be closely related.

json_library() for :json format

For JSON data, Phoenix delegates to the encode_to_iodata!/1 callback of the configured JSON library. This means the data returned by a view function is directly passed to that JSON library for encoding.

As with template engines, formatters and their mapping can be customized through configuration. In the past, I’ve used this capability to return structured XML data from view functions and let a format encoder convert it into actual XML.

With this, we’ve covered the entire path from a controller with data to render, all the way to having iodata ready for the HTTP response. There are valuable opportunities for customization in your own applications, and this knowledge should demystify the changes introduced in Phoenix 1.7 as well as any future developments.

There’s one topic I’ve deliberately avoided discussing until now though:


Phoenix before 1.7 included Phoenix.View (now available as a separate library called phoenix_view). The reason it was removed in version 1.7 is quite reasonable: it wasn’t essential. Most of what it did was establish the convention we examined earlier:

render("name.format", assigns)

All the template handling has always been delegated to Phoenix.Template.

Since that convention is no longer the default, Phoenix.View serves little purpose. Many of its helpers are now better implemented by calling other functions with the new convention directly. It’s still useful for backwards compatibility, but beyond that, it’s not particularly worth exploring.